from the Principal




       孩子在成長中,最重要擁有什麼呢?健康的身體? 學習豐富的知識?遊戲玩耍?探索解難?還是學習與人相處呢?




  1. 我們重視幼兒的學習過程,給予足夠時間及空間進行探索,發揮幼兒的無限潛能;
  2. 透過遊戲來啟發幼兒的學習,在進行遊戲的思考歷程中,誘發幼兒的創意思維,發展多元智能;
  3. 提供適當挑戰,讓幼兒學習無論是輸是贏,都是成長必須經歷;
  4. 培育良好的品德,懂得愛、尊重和欣賞身邊的人、事、物,學會感恩珍惜,建立正確的價值觀;
  5. 讓幼兒學習自己能做的事自己做,並會主動幫助別人;
  6. 讓幼兒以感官嘗試和探索身邉的事物,學習解決困難,建構新知識。
  7. 透過宗教教育,潤化孩子的心靈,學習耶穌基督的愛。
  8. 重視家校合作,鼓勵家長多參與學校活動,讓家長更了解子女的學習和成長需要。



Message from The Principal

      What is the most important domain in child development? Health? Education? Entertainment? Exploration and problem-solving? Social skills?

      Even though the aforementioned are equally crucial to child development, love is of utmost importance. Love is essential to a child’s development. Only with love can children grow healthily and blissfully.

      Our kindergarten has always believed in Christ’s teachings of “love” to nurture seedlings. ‘Nurture children with love, so they may learn to love others.’ We aim to create a caring and loving learning environment to foster children’s balanced development in the domains of ethics, intellect, physique, social skills, aesthetics and spirit.

      Every child is unique, having different gifts and abilities, not only distinctive but also full of potential. We respect each child’s unique character, adopting a loving, patient, and open-minded attitude towards our students, and accompany them to grow up.

1.  We attach great importance to the learning experiences of children, providing sufficient time and space to investigate and thus unleash their potential.

2. Learning through play inspires a lifelong love of learning. The thinking process during play sparks children’s creativity and develops multiple intelligence.

3. We provide appropriate challenges from which children can learn. Irrespective of the results, winning or losing, children have to understand the ups and downs of life.

4. We nurture children with positive values and attitudes, knowing how to love, respect, appreciate the surroundings, and be grateful and treasure what they have.

5. We focus on children’s independence by allowing them to complete their tasks on their own and offer a helping hand to others.

6. Providing real-life, sensory, and interesting learning experiences helps children acquire critical thinking skills and enrich their knowledge.

7. Through religious studies, children’s souls can also be nourished as they learn of the love of Jesus Christ.

8. We value home-school cooperation. We recommend parents participate in various activities organised in school, with a view to enhancing parents’ understanding of children’s growth and learning needs.

      It is our mission to let children grow up holistically in a positive environment with love. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). We hope that every child will have a delightful and wonderful childhood.